Northern Lights
To accomplish this much added floor space in a townhome, radical construction methods were used. The extra floor was added to the bottom of the townhome, which added the 2 bedrooms and some of the mechanical and storage space, while the media and laundry rooms were added underneath the existing garage. To add the new floor, excavation began underneath the unit, and at the same time underneath the garage. The original garage floor was cut away to remove material to create the new space underneath. In both locations the existing foundation needed to be extended. The excavation underneath the garage went 25 feet deep in order to reach under the existing concrete. Once that was accomplished the foundation was extended. As for the lower floor, this needed more space as well, not only digging deeper into the ground but further back into the slope that the townhome was situated on, this meant cutting away the existing foundation to make room for a excavator to fit into the lowest part of the townhome to dig away the additional space needed to fit two bedrooms into the side of the slope.
This extremely complex concrete and foundation work was only accomplished through an exceptional team of structural engineers, geotechnical engineers, our own crew and innovative methods that were developed by the team
The ultimate objectives of this renovations was for the townhome to receive a new floor along with 2 bedrooms, a media room, laundry room and mechanical/storage spaces. Interior by Alda Pereira Design.